Celebrating Life and Love
Naming Ceremonies can be some of the most joyous and inclusive of celebrations.
An honour and privilege to write, conduct and witness, naming ceremonies are almost as old as humankind itself.
They formally and tenderly welcome the newest, often smallest and cheekiest, member of the family. Whether a new baby, foster or step child, this occasion unifies the family and friends to this treasured link in the family chain.
We pledge aloud, to ourselves, and in our hearts to encourage the individuality of the child and to openly and continually provide the support and freedom to be loved and unique.
Fees can vary depending on your individual requirements.
Included but are not limited to:
Freedom and versatility
A truly Bespoke Celebration
Obligation free first meeting where we can gain an understanding of what you as a family need and that I can fulfil your expectations and imaginings.
Access to my resources, ideas, rituals available, and input.
Planning and designing the ceremony with you
A second meeting to discuss draft and finer details.
A professionally printed certificate
Professional PA System
Of course I will dress appropriately (Superhero outfits; only a maybe)